The Deaconess Board
President: Thelma Peake
The Deaconess board assists Deacons in preparing the Communion table each first Sunday. The board also prepares female candidates for baptism and visits sick and shut-in members of the church.
The Directors
President: Lisa D. Welch
Members of this group are the official hosts and hostesses of the church. They are present at all public church functions, to greet and assist members and visitors.
The Committed Men
President: Deacon Howard Lanier
The Committed Men focus on assisting other church groups to execute relatively large projects. In addition to that work, the Men sponsor the church’s participation in the Susan G. Koman Race for the Cure, sponsor an annual lunch for our high school and college graduates, and administer The Reverend Dr. William J. Shaw Achievement Award scholarship.
Praise the Lord Players
Artistic Director: Frank Ford
The Praise the Lord Players is a Christian theatre group of adults and youth dating back to 2003 with our first production “JOY.” Our productions include over a dozen Christian dramas and musical comedies, dealing with black history and social issues of today. Our mission is to be entertaining, educational, and spiritually enlightening. Most plays were written and directed by the Artistic Director, Frank Ford.
Most recently we have developed a puppet troupe with our youth of the church who have done puppet skits for Sunday school as well as full length plays with professional Philadelphia based actors. We have also worked with our Summer Enrichment Program, Bread of Life, Golden Seniors’ Luncheon, and hosted two game-show theme productions entitled, Family Feud and The NOT so Newly-Wed game
Women's Mission Union
President: Vanessa Tavares
The Women's Mission Union coordinates the work of the mission circles and auxiliaries of the church. Our current focus is the first commandment of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to Love thy Neighbor as thyself.
2020-21 Mission Work includes: weekly Breakfast/Lunch Boxes for children 18yrs and under; pantry bags for adults in need; fresh fruits and vegetables for our seniors, widows, and neighbors. Our support also includes The Baptist Women’s Center Philadelphia, Pathway’s PA, Angel Tree Ministry, Women Against Abuse, the Tri-Church Malawi Medical Mission, and Eswatini Mission Scholarships. We look forward to the resumption of our Summer Enrichment Program for children between the ages of 3 to 15.
Join us in daily mid-day prayer, and in the Daystar Bible Study, mid-day on Thursdays via Zoom.
There are opportunities for each member to share their talents in significant ways to benefit the mission work of the church. Come and join one of our circles below. Our circles meet monthly and the union meets quarterly to communicate, collaborate, and discuss circle/auxiliary activities plus official business.
Adult Mission Circle #1
President: Carolyn Burton
The main purpose of the group founded in 1936 was to help the needy and devote time to the implementation of the general work of the church. For many years now our congregation has been especially blessed by the fruit baskets that the circle members prepare for our sick and shut-in members every Christmas. The Circle also hosts an annual Prayer Breakfast. In addition to ministering to our congregation, the circle joins Reverend Wayman Rucker in providing a praise and prayer service for the Park Pleasant Nursing Home each month. Truly, the loving hearted service of the Adult Mission Circle #1 can be counted on by our church and our community.
Ever Ready Circle
President: Deborah Jefferson
The Ever Ready Circle rejoices in the talents of its members as stated in 1 Peter 4:10, As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God (NKJV)
The Ever Ready Circle’s original goal was to raise funds for improvement of the church building. The circle currently holds several fund raisers with proceeds donated to the church Building Fund.
The circle also sponsors or participates in the following community focused work:
- Adopt- A- Family Program
- Angel Tree
- Women’s Baptist Center
The Ever Ready circle was organized in 1942 by the late Mrs. W.C. Williamson.
Good Shepherd Circle (GSC)
President: Michelle Langhorne
In 1958 a small group of members began working together in an effort to encourage the heart of our pastor and his family through unsolicited acts of kindness and courtesy. Mary E. Blackwell was the first president of this group and her dedication and dutifulness in carrying out the Circle’s mission was a remarkable starting point. As the years proceeded, the circle continued a legacy of encouraging GSC members and church members to demonstrate love, concern and awareness of the human needs of our Pastor, Rev. Dr. William J. Shaw, his wife, Mrs. Camellia L. Shaw, and their family
Presently the GSC has extended its sphere of influence to include the entire White Rock ministerial staff, our church leadership, and community outreach. The group works diligently to reach their goals by annual fundraising through presentation of “The Price is Right White Rock Style,” which is attended by members and visitors, who have an opportunity to enjoy wonderful fellowships together. The GSC works closely with the Women’s Mission Union (WMU) supporting the WMU’s efforts with the Pathways Adopt–A-Family Program, the PhilAbundance Food Drive, the Tri-Church Malawi Mission, and community food events, especially those held during the Covid-19 crisis time period.
As existing and new challenges expose opportunities to do the work and will of God, it is the hope, prayer and promise of GSC members to continue their service to the White Rock Church family, as well as reaching out to the local community and world.
The Helping Hand Circle
President: Rita Johnson
This circle was formed in 1955 by Rev. W. C. Williamson. The group was involved in all church activities as well as devoting a great deal of time and effort to community projects. Today the Circle continues to offer their hands in service to our church and community. The group has expanded their bake sales to include the sale of shoes, hats and jewelry. Their efforts in organizing these events enabled them to make a $1,000 contribution to the church and continue their financial support to Teen Challenge of Philadelphia. Truly their hands continue to be engaged in work that brings help to many.
The Media Ministry
President: Diane Evans
The Media Ministry provides sound, video and photos of worship services and events at White Rock. Ministry members produce our Facebook Live broadcasts, run the audio mixing board, record video and audio, and, take photographs for White Rock services and events. The ministry also edits audio for worship services and produces CDs which are available for a nominal fee.
Pulpit Aid Circle
President: Debra Hardy
In 1936 a small group of women were organized for the specific purpose of overseeing and beautifying the pulpit. Their duties included changing the altar lectionary for public worship based on the Christian calendar. The true beauty of the work performed by this Circle is their faithful, behind the scene efforts that are so important to our worship experience. Also pretty impressive is that the flower arrangements that accent our worship services continue radiating their loveliness even when the worship service ends because our Pulpit Aid sisters make certain that the flowers are delivered to a nursing home or to a sick and shut-in member. This small group is still doing big things.
Trustee Aid Circle
President: Patricia Ackason
The Trustee Aid Circle began its faithful service in 1958 in response to the dire needs of the church after the 1955 church fire. Replacement of equipment and numerous additional items necessary for the transition to our “new” church edifice at 53rd and Chestnut Streets required a very special effort and the ladies of this Circle were just the ones to accomplish this very important mission.
Today, this group serves our church and our community by sponsoring events that generate funds to support their good works. The group again coordinated a trip to “Ace in the Hole” and the word is that everyone had a great time. They also sponsored a successful “Cupcake and Jewelry Sale.” What a novel idea- a table displaying rings and things on one side, and sweets and treats on the other side. Truly there was something for everyone. We conduct an annual drive to collect eye glasses for “New Eyes for the Needy” You can also find Circle members visiting the residents at The Care Pavilion Nursing Home where we provide companionship, and comfort as we read the Bible, participate in group singing and share our faith.
Willing Workers Circle
President: Hope Jones Gary
This Circle of long-serving, devoted women has been demonstrating its willingness to work in our church and community since 1935 when the group was first organized by the late Reverend W. C. Williamson. Initially the Circle helped raise funds to purchase the former church building at 52nd and Arch Streets.
Under the leadership of Pastor William J. Shaw, the Circle’s emphasis later changed to missions within the church body and became an auxiliary of the Women’s Mission Union. The Circle’s mission statement “to serve God, the Church, each other, and the community” encompasses the broad yet focused nature of this group’s service.
Within our church the Willing Workers support elderly and sick and shut-in Circle members, and financially support the church as well as programs for the youth of our church. The group sponsors a spring and a fall bake sale, a Broadway theater trip, and a plant sale and workshop. In addition, the Willing Workers make contributions to the William J. Shaw Achievement Award, Women against Abuse, and the Women’s Baptist Center. Organizations the group has supported include the Eastern Delaware County Life Center Shelter, the Salvation Army, and the Red Cross. The group currently ministers to the Philadelphia MOMobile Organization, the Pennsylvania Pathways Adopt-a-Family Program, the Angel Tree Project, and annually sponsors one-year tuition grants for two students in the Kingdom of eSwatini, South Africa.
Young and Adult Auxiliary
President: Cristsandra Penn
In 1968, Pastor William J. Shaw organized a group of Adult young women, ages 18 to 35, in an auxiliary committed to ministering to the needs of the church and the surrounding area. Today this auxiliary encompasses all age groups, blending youthful exuberance and seasoned maturity into a dynamic group of women dedicated to faithful service. The group lovingly responds to the needs of the sick and shut-in members and actively supports the ministries of the church.
The group continues to minister wherever they are needed including Pathways of PA Adopt-A -Family Program, the Christmas Angel Tree Project and assisting The Women’s Mission Union in all of their projects.
The group also regularly sponsors events like a jazz brunch and our Annual Fashion Show Luncheon. Proceeds from these events generate funds for the Jean Faust Educational Book Stipends project and the general needs of the church.