At White Rock how we live and what we do are driven by our belief God’s love and power demonstrated in Jesus Christ. We believe in the centrality of Jesus Christ and the salvation he makes available to all people. We are a Baptist congregation with Baptist beliefs that guide how we respond to Christ’s gift of salvation. Finally, our Church Vision Statement lays out what we are striving to be as Christians and as a church.
Jesus and Salvation
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God — not the result of works, so that no one may boast.
– Ephesians 2.8-9
We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ brings us into a saving relationship with God.
What is salvation?
Salvation is a rich gift that includes the following:
What does it mean to be saved? Salvation is a gift from God to those who believe in him. It is establishing a relationship of unity with Him. To be saved means God has forgiven us of our sins and brought us into a state of peace, and wholeness -- for eternity. (Romans 5:1).
How are we saved?
The answer is given in Ephesians 2.8-9. "For it’s by God’s grace that you have been saved. You receive it through faith."
From this we see several things about our salvation:
a) We are saved by what God does, and not by what we do. God gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to live with us, be an example for us, and to enable us through His life, death, burial, and resurrection. This is God's grace.
b) We must desire that God would save us and believe that He can. This is through faith.
c) Faith and salvation are God's gifts. We cannot merit either.
Two of the cardinal components of salvation are repentance and regeneration. Both are the work of God's Holy Spirit through faith. Sin is the rejection of God's sovereignity and will, and seperates us from Him. Repentance is a turning to God and an openness to God's will for harmonic relationship with Him and each other. Repentance and conversion are the human side of salvation.
When a person is saved he/she is regenerated (born again). The Holy Spirit changes us. We are indeed born again with a new nature and a new spiritual life.
Love is the mark or evidence of a life in with Christ. Different people experience salvation in different ways. Some are spectacular like Paul (Acts 9.1-18) while others are quiet like the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8.26-40). Still, others were won in a gradual way to finally commit themselves to God.
Our Baptist Beliefs
There are at least five beliefs, which are distinctively Baptist and which constitute the reasons for the existence of Baptists as a separate denomination:
The Ordinances of the Baptist Church
An ordinance is a ceremony which the Lord has prescribed and told the Church to observe. Baptists believe there are only two ordinances: Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
What is Baptism?
Baptism is the act of totally immersing a candidate in water in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is the door of membership to the church. Baptism pictures symbolically the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 6.3); the believer, through Christ, dies to the old life of sin and is made alive to the new life of righteousness. Baptism also points to the Great Resurrection beyond the grave, which the believer will experience in Christ.
Why Baptize?
Jesus set the precedent by being baptized himself (Matthew 3.14-15) and commanding his disciples to baptize (Matthew 28.19). It was also the practice of the first century Christian Church (Acts 2.38-41; Romans 6.3-5).
Who should be baptized?
Only a believer should be baptized; one who has confessed Jesus as Lord (Romans 10.9); one who has given him/her self freely to Christ and is ready to serve him. We offer prayer for infants and their parents/guardians. Parents bring their children to be blessed by God (Mark 10.13-15). They dedicate themselves to raise the child, with the help of the church, to love and reverence God.)
LORD'S Supper
What is the Lord's Supper?
The Lord's Supper/Holy Communion/Service of the Lord's Table is the ceremony instituted by Jesus on the night of his betrayal (I Corinthians 11.23-29). We eat bread and drink from a cup. The "bread" represents the Body of Christ, broken for us; it symbolizes his sacrificial death on the cross. The "cup" represents the blood of Christ, shed for the forgiveness of our sins; it establishes a New Covenant relationship between God and us.
What is its significance?
The Supper is a memorial observance done in remembrance of Christ's death, the ultimate demonstration of God's love for us (John 3.16). Holy Communion reminds us of our deliverance from sin and death, through Christ's death and resurrection, and our union with Christ (John 6.53-56). It also proclaims that Jesus is our source of life both here and hereafter.
Our White Rock Vision Statement
We are a, Christ centered, Spirit led, God serving, Bible believing, worshipping, praying, tithing, loving Church joyfully covenanted together to present Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to the farthest reaches of our influence.
We are:
This says that the church is a corporate identity, a family, a community. We are more than a collection of individuals. Together we are an expression of the will of God. (Ephesians. 4.1-6)
Christ centered:
Jesus Christ is our example (John 13.15); our teacher (John 14.26); our intercessor (Hebrews 4.14-16); our Savior (Second Corinthians 5.16-19). He is the unique Son of God and we evaluate our actions by the standard of his life and words.
Spirit Led:
The Holy Spirit is the personal manifestation of God that abides in the heart of the believer (Romans 5.1-5) The Spirit is our guide and instructor, reminding us of Jesus' teachings (John 14.26). As we allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit, the characteristics or "fruit" of the Spirit are visible in the church fellowship (Galatians 5.16, 22-23).
God Serving:
The Lord God is the creator of all that is - the earth, the sky, the seas and all the creatures that inhabit them (Genesis 1-2). He made all people and is the sovereign ruler of all (Psalm 24). We acknowledge God as our Heavenly Father and strive to be obedient to His voice.
Bible Believing:
The Bible (consists of 66 books: 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament) It is the authoritative word of God that establishes our faith and determines our conduct. We accept the Bible as the inspired word of God revealed to human beings. We study and submit ourselves to the Word of God (Second Timothy 3.16; Hebrews 4.12; Second Peter 1.20-21).
We promise to attend regularly the Worship of God. Worship is the corporate experience of praising God. We celebrate who God is, what God has done for us individually, as a community and as a people. We confess our shortcomings and our unworthiness of God’s blessings. We commit ourselves to support one another in carrying out God's commission for the church (Psalm 103; Hebrews 10.19-25).
We pray for the enabling power of God. Prayer is intimate communication with God. It is a spiritual discipline taught by Jesus to his disciples (Matthew 6.5-15). In prayer, we acknowledge who God is (Psalm 150), confess our sins (First John 1.9), give God thanks for His blessings (First Thessalonians 56.16-18), and offer petitions for others and ourselves (Philippians 4.6).
The tithe is 10% of eanings/income. We commit ourselves to consecrate the wealth of God by giving our tithes and offerings. We "contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor and the spread of the Gospel through all nations (Micah 3.10; First Chronicles 29.14; Second Samuel 24.24)
Loving Church:
God first loved us and loved us while we were rebelling against Him (John 3.16; Romans 5.6-8). Jesus commanded his disciples to love each other as he loved us (First John 4.21). This love is the quality that identifies us to the world (John 13.34-35). We cannot claim to love God if we do not love others (First John 4.10-12).
Joy is the theme word of our church.
Covenanted Together:
God initiated Covenant by committing Himself to us individually and collectively. We commit ourselves to Him and each other responsively.
To Present Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to the farthest reaches of our influence:
We share the love of God with our family friends, neighbors, coworkers, classmates, etc. (Mathew 28.19-20).
Our Church theme:
A great door for effectual service is opened unto us and there are many adversaries (First Corinthians 16:9). And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me (John 12:32). I will give unto the Lord nothing less than my best. Joy! We are one in the Lord.
A great door for effectual service is opened unto us and there are many adversaries.
(First Corinthians 16:9) God is calling the church to serve him by our involvement in the world. The opportunities for effective service are great, but they are not without hazards, perils and adversaries (Ephesians 6.12).
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
(JOHN 12:32) We cannot overcome these physical and spiritual opponents in our own strength, but we can overcome through the power of Jesus Christ. His death and resurrection signaled the defeat of all powers that oppose the will of God. Jesus Christ has won the victory and given it to us. (First Corinthians 15.55-57)
I will give unto the Lord nothing less than my best.
Relying on Jesus, we can bring our full will and spirit to the work God calls us to do. And we give our all, not grudgingly but with a loving heart.
Joy! We are one in the Lord.
We celebrate our blessings and our unity.
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